Friday, August 29, 2008

Sierra Nevada Wildflowers

Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

Here are some photos of wildflowers I've taken over the years in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Please left click on the individual photos and it should enlarge to fill your screen for better detail. Photos were all taken with an Olympus FE 130 digital camera using normal, macro and super macro mode.

All of these pictures were taken in Sequoia National Park.

This photo shows the Mountain Monkey flower. FAMILY: Scrophulariaceae SPECIES: Mimulus tilingii. Flower +/- 1/2" long.

Here's a close up of the above flower.

This is a photo of Mustang Linanthus. FAMILY: Polemoniaceae SPECIES: Linanthus montanus. Flower +/- 1/4" in diameter.

Here's a closeup of the above flower.

This photo shows Popcorn flower. FAMILY: Boraginaceae SPECIES: Plagiobothrys nothofulvus.
Individual flower +/- 1/4" in diameter

This photo shows California Poppy. FAMILY: Papaveraceae SPECIES: Eschscholzia calofornica. Individual flower +/- 1" in diameter

These next three photos show birds-eye gilia. FAMILY: Polimoniacea SPECIES: Gilia tricolor. Individual flower +/- 1/4' in diameter. Notice the beautiful blue anthers!

Same as above.

Same as above.

These next two photos show my favorite wild edible, Miners Lettuce. FAMILY: Portulacaceae SPECIES: Montia perfoliata. Individual flower +/- 1/4" in diameter. These are related to common purslane.

Here are some photos of Western Redbud. SPECIES: Cercis occidentalis. Flower is pea like and about 3/4" long.

Heres a Western Redbud tree. The local indians frequently used this tree for basketry.

Here is the beautiful Benthams Lupine. FAMILY: Leguminosae SPECIES: Lupinus benthamii. Flower +/- 3/4" long.
Here's a photo of Manzanita FAMILY: Ericacea SPECIES: Arctostaphylos glauca. Flowers +/- 1/2" long.

Same as above but pink flowers.

Here's a shot of the whole shrub.

This is a photo of Fiddle Neck. FAMILY: Boraginaceae SPECIES: Amsinckia intermedia. Flowers +/- 1/4" in diameter.

This one is unknown to me but very pretty. Flowers +/- 1/4" in diameter.

This is a photo of Grand Hounds-Tounge FAMILY: Boraginaceae SPECIES: Cynoglossum grande. Flower +/-3/4" in diameter.

This is a photo of the above showing the whole plant. This plant is a little over two feet high.

If you find any errors in my identification, PLEASE let me know and I will make corrections. It will benefit all of us.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the unidentified flower is Red Maids, Calandrinia ciliata, family Portulacaceae.


Please feel free to comment! I will answer any questions you have.