Sunday, August 24, 2008

Firesteels and antler handles

Here's a project I just finished. This is a pair of ferro cerium firesteels I put into deer antler handles and containers. The first photo shows them in the closed position. I used a file to smooth off the edges on the antler after the epoxy set up.

This photo shows a close up of the steel and handle. The rod is 1/4" X 2 1/2" and were bought from Ben's Backwoods store. These Scout rods are rated at 3000 strikes.

Here's a photo showing the drilled out container portion. I used a drill bit the same diameter as the rod and then widened it a hair with the same bit for a loose fit.

This photo shows them partially open. Note how the string setup works. You basically run the string through the handle hole twice kind of like a figure "8".

This photo shows the firesteels in the ready to use configuration.

This is where I got the inspiration for this project. These beauty's are made by Frenchy in England. Very nice work!!! Here's a link to his site:

This is another of Frenchys firesteels. I didn't make the cord on mine as long as his. I prefer to carry mine in my pocket.

These are some firesteels I mounted in antler tines. I use two part epoxy that sets up in 20 minutes. It gives me time to position them better when it reaches the tacky state. As you can see the dry epoxy hasn't been trimmed from the top two. These are the 1/4" X 2 1/2" Scout firesteels that I got from Ben's Backwoods store.

This is a fire kit I made many years ago. this shows the leather case, knife and flint rod.

Here's a photo of the set with the knife open. These old knives have high carbon steel blades and really throw the sparks! These can be picked up for a dollar or so at yard sales and flea markets. Most of them have some kind of advertising on the handle.

Here's a photo showing the above flint rod and another one I made. These rods have a diameter of 3/8" and 3" long.

When I use a firesteel I pull the rod away from the tinder holding the knife steady against the flint. I find this works a lot better than scraping the rod with the knife and accidentally knocking your tinder all over the place.


  1. I really like those antler handle/holder firesteels.

    I've got a 4-point shed around here that I could probably turn into one of those.

    Great post.


  2. Thank you for sharing your method - Like American Bushman, many of us have antler parts hanging around.

    Last year I came upon a large moose antler tine that had broken off during the rutting season. You've inspired me to mount a 1/2-inch diameter steel onto it.

    A good use for chewed and broken finds.


Please feel free to comment! I will answer any questions you have.