Saturday, December 17, 2011

Side hafted microblade

After seeing these on Elfshots blog I decided I had to make one. It was surprisingly easy, kind of like a Hoko knife. With modern tools (my Warren carving knife with a straight blade and a tiny gouge) it went quick, less than an hour. With stone tools and depending on experience it probably took the old ones maybe an hour or less. I used artificial sinew split up into many strands and no glue. The original article doesnt state if glue was found on the preserved artifacts and I really don't think hide glue was all that common on the Arctic and sub Arctic coastal areas. Tim Rast, the owner of Eflshot is a professional archaeologist and maker of things ancient. He has made a bunch of these out of wood, antler, and bone. Please take the time to peruse his site for the many excellent articles on Eskimo and related cultures and their artifacts.

This shows the groove where the blade sets.

Here's a shot of the handle with two notches for the cordage. I used cottonwood for this knife.
This shot shows the brace which is held snug against the blade when tied in place at the two notches on top..
This shows the notch in the brace which sets against the blade.
Here's the blade. I made it from a piece of flint I found in Colorado.
This shows everything set up ready to finish.
This is the completed knife. Overall length is 5 inches.
Closeup of the finished knife. Stone, wood, sinew-a simple but efficient tool.

1 comment:

  1. That looks fantastic! Thanks for the kind words. Happy Holidays, Tim


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