Heres what the galls look like on a valley oak tree.

Heres a photo of the wasp. The name of the gall wasp is Andricus californicus. Its less than an 8th of an inch long.

These galls are supposedly an excellent tinder and will catch and hold a spark from flint and steel or a ferro cerrium spark rod, AKA fire steel. These and other types of galls were used to make ink and for dyeing. They all have a high tannin content. In ink the tannin is used to react with ferrous sulphate and makes a black fluid. However after a long time the acid in this ink will eat the paper. Thats why some old documents are damaged. The tanning process also uses tannin and these galls would work for that purpose.
Of all the gall!
I have always wondered if these galls were harmful to the tree. The galls I see on oaks are always green, just like the leaves, and so are likely still doing photosystesis.
I assume the firesteel will only light dry galls.
Yep. The dry ones are used to catch sparks.
Very interesting blog with nice pictures I like your blog... :).
Where can I get a pail full of these? I would be glad to pay a little for some to play with...
Monastic ink: linking chemistry and history
About the science, art and history of gall based ink.
ddshutt, if you are still around, get hold of me and I'll get you as many as you want.
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